Friday, December 30, 2011

Isaiah 58: 9-14

I believe that these next few years are important for the Body of Christ. I remember hearing someone say that God begins and ends with His people. As Believers we need to declare that God’s promises and Blessings are True, to see them come to fruition. Please join me in diligently praying to see God work wonders in our midst in the coming year.  I received an email from a friend and decided to share with you what I believe is a word to hear with those of you who may feel a special calling to pray for our country. The email from Suzanne is as follows with the verse listed.

            I don't know if you have heard the term "polished arrow," but I have learned that God sometimes has me use a scripture verse to pierce through and bring His will into a situation.  As the old year ends and a new year begins, I feel that He keeps telling me as an intercessor to use Isaiah 58: 9-14 as a polished arrow to break through and bring healing to our country.  I plan to pray this over our country and stand on its words of hope and power.  I have been meditating on each verse, and have read it in several bible editions.  In the verses He pledges things to us IF we do our part like " do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk" then He will do many things so that we will be used to "restore the breach." 

There is a huge "breach" growing in our country and as we all know a country divided against itself cannot stand.  The enemy of course loves this "breach," and will do everything in his power to increase it and to get the church involved in helping it to grow.   God is more than able to change ALL of this and use it for GOOD, and I know that is His heart's desire.  I know He wants our  "light to rise in the darkness, and our night to "become like the noonday" as He "guides us always."

       I'm sending this to some of my intercessor friends.  God has put this "call" upon me and I will be standing on this scripture through the coming year.  This may not be your call, but I ask you to seek Him as to whether it is something for you as well.

      Praying blessings on each of you and on our country in this coming new year and always!  Suzanne 


 Then when you call, the Lord will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.

“Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! 10 Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.
11 The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. 12 Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes. 13 “Keep the Sabbath day holy. Don’t pursue your own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day. Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day, and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly. 14 Then the Lord will be your delight. I will give you great honor and satisfy you with the inheritance I promised to your ancestor Jacob. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
 Isaiah 58: 9-14 (NLT)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Under Grace

Under grace I stand covered by the blood of the lamb Filled with your love forever your child I am

My mouth is filled with songs of praise to your name, Your Spirit floods my heart to wash away all my sins.

Under grace I stand covered by the blood of the lamb Filled with your love forever your child I am

You say “be patient” that you will show me your wonders that will delight.” Help me keep my focus on you and be Obedient to your call; surely you will fill me with your all.

Under grace I stand covered by the blood of the lamb Filled with your love forever your child I am

You say I am the apple of your eye and that you sing over me with delight,. I see you everywhere I go, you made the day just for me to enjoy. Thank you for the rain we need so desperately. Your moon is beautiful in the night with its lovely glow that fills the sky.

Under grace I stand covered by the blood of the lamb Filled with your love forever your child I am.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Who am I?

Who am I now?

I am a child of the Most High God.

God is taking me to another dimension I don’t feel qualified.

I am blessed and favored of God, I am prosperous.

I do not know what to say, I do not know what to think.

My life is about to change, my God is breaking the curse.

The Lord God is my provider and is well able to take care of me.

I am going to need a new attitude, a new day is beginning.

The Lord God takes pleasure in providing for me to bless others.

The former things have passed away. God is doing something new in my life.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness all these things will be given.

I have been chosen to live the life set before me; I have God’s DNA –

I have the mind of Christ – God has given me the ability to create wealth.

Stand still and see what the Lord has for me. The Lord Almighty is His Name.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Practice being Grateful

Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. The year is quickly coming to an end and there is a need to stop and reflect. I read an article on Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude that presents a challenge on being grateful and the following is an excerpt from Michael Hyatt’s blog “Intentional Leadership”. 

{The writer told of a story about carrying a gratitude rock in his pocket. The idea is that whenever your hand contacts the stone, you give thanks for whatever is happening at the moment, whether good or bad.  In that simple act the writer’s attitude started to change. Instead of seeing the glass half-empty, he saw it has half-full. Instead of focusing on what he didn’t have, he started to focus on what he did have – right now.
Someone once wisely told me, “You won’t get what you don’t have until you learn to be grateful for what you do have.”  We so often focus on our lack – what’s missing.

For example, we complain about our relationships, we wish we had a spouse. Or perhaps we wish we didn’t have a spouse. Or we wish we could get a different job, a different boss, or a bigger paycheck. We wish we could live in a different city a different part of the city, or a different house. We complain about our furniture, our car, and all our other stuff.
Apparently before long we realize this is not healthy – and do we really think complaining will lead to better situations?

I challenge you to be more deliberate in being thankful and not just before meals–                    the gratitude rock is one tool that can help.}To begin write down twenty items you are thankful for right now. Here’s my list: not in any particular order.
      1.    My relationship with God

2.    God’s blessings

3.    Gracious daughter Andrea and son-in-law Ed

4.    Grandchildren, Austin and Dylan

5.    Generous and loving son Alex

6.    A place to live

7.    Relative good health

8.    Job

9.    food

10.Warm, dry, comfortable

11.Writing and being creative

12.Living in San Antonio

13.Friendly neighbors


15.Church family


17.Brother John & Sister-in-law Mona and sisters, Peggy and Brother-in-law Wayne, and Mary

18.Nieces & Nephews: Timothy, Rianna, Alyssa, Adam, Samantha


If you give thanks with purpose every day it will change your life. What’s on your list?  You can leave a comment.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I Know Your Name

Your name has been inscribed on the palm of my hand. Consider this, since before time began I have known you. My delight is in your name, you are precious to me. I delight In seeing you grow in me and have surrendered to me; you are mine for all eternity.

Listen, listen to my voice calling your name, so very tenderly, yes listen to my instruction and follow my lead. I delight in calling your name, calling you closer into a new place. Hear me speaking your name, the name I gave you long before you understood the gift of love that I poured out for you, my very own.

I am faithful I always do what is right. Put your whole trust in me. Rest in the knowledge that you serve the Almighty God who is to be trusted above all else. Rest in the knowledge, precious child, I have made a way to explore the riches of my mercies.

Consider this truth I AM FAITHFUL!!!

Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 36:5, Zephaniah 3:17, Isaiah 49:16, Romans 5:5, Romans 9:23

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Women of Faith Saturday

Just when you didn’t think it could get any better it did. Patsy Clairmont has become my new favorite speaker to listen for inspiration. Here is a short run-down of what I heard on Saturday:

Lisa Wenchel: on adult friendships – we are all longing to connect and having friends help along your journey, to have friends you need to be a friend. Accept God’s grace to be able to give grace to others. Embrace your friends with grace.

Brenda Warner: As your legacy raise your children to be willing to change the world.

Sandi Patti: God may not answer your dreams in the “way” or in the “time” we think.  But God is Faithful to fulfill your dreams in His Way and in His Time. “God is enough and you are enough for Him” She sang so beautifully as always.

Marilyn Meeberg: What you enjoy here on earth – just know that it will be much more when you get to heaven.

Patsy Clairmont: Never give up trusting God and sometimes “change” can be good– she told of how her son was so sick and could have died and the struggle to let the Doctor make changes for his care. Told humorously that is unique to Patsy Clairmont.

Mandissa: Amy Grant was great and Sandi Patti was marvelous, Mandissa was exciting and her music was fast and great worship as well.

A great weekend was had by all and everyone around me felt the same way. It seemed all was touched in some way by each speaker that spoke to them.

World Vision: there were some very moving stories of how your sponsorship makes a difference in the lives of children and their families and communities and in the lives of those sponsoring. If God has nudged you to be a blessing, please check out the many children that you could help by going to

All I can say is be ready for next year!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Great Time at Women of Faith

today was a great start to a great weekend. Patsy Clairmont was the best, so inspiring, so funny.
It was the first time I have heard and seen Andy Andrews - did not disappoint-very funny, literally was all over the place...main thing that stayed with me is that "Everything you do matters" ... Worship time was wonderful...Sandi Patti and  Amy Grant were just better than best loved their music always -  tomorrow I will have more - I can't wait to see what is next.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Prayer for Today

Today I want to glorify your name.  I belong to you. Lord before I begin I want you to know that from this moment on throughout this day, I’m yours, Lord. Without you I can accomplish nothing. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me!  Help me be a woman of passion and to have the courage to act on those passions. Enable me in my walk to have the discernment to walk in obedience. Guard my tongue from saying the wrong thing or saying too much or speaking too quickly, and to know when to take a stand. Turn the soil of my heart so I can begin to live the life you have called me to live. Lord, fill me with your spirit. Take my eyes, take my tongue, take my emotions, take my will, and use me, Be honored in my submissive spirit. You began the work in my heart and you will complete it. Be seen and heard in my heart. Be observed in my thankfulness. Be glorified in the fellowship and worship that I have with others in your family and those who do not yet know you.
I have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb out of the Hand of the enemy!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

buy tickets for the Women of Faith Event and help SAMMinistries

“Women of Faith Gives Back”.  

We would like to tell you about a spectacular opportunity that came to us from Women of Faith.  This year Women of Faith decided they wanted to give back to the communities that have supported them for many years.  During their 2011 conference season they’re initiating a campaign called “Women of Faith Gives Back”.   SAMMinistries is one of three local nonprofits who will benefit from this new endeavor.  But, we need your help to succeed!

We are reaching out to you to see this project through to fruition.  With this new initiative , we get $20 from every ticket purchased through SAMMinistries.  We hope you will help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 for programs and services through this “gives back” opportunity. 

If you and your friends are planning to attend, we have this opportunity for you to not only enjoy the WOF experience, but to help SAMMinistries out as well.

Here is how simple it really is…

Women of Faith Gives Back –Easy as 1, 2, 3

·         Purchase your WOF tickets from SAMMinistries at the $89 discounted price. (There is no limit on how many you can purchase) So bring a friend, family, co-worker!! 

·         For every ticket purchased you receive a voucher to present at Will Call on the day of the conference.

·         SAMMinistries receives $20 of the $89 ticket price. 

·         If you contact SAMMinistries within 5 days of this letter we will send you a FREE voucher for every 3 tickets purchased!  (i.e. you purchase 3 tickets/you get 1 free)

Otherwise, you will receive 1 free ticket for every 10 tickets purchased.

See it really is that simple!!  So on behalf of SAMMinistries and Women of Faith we want to thank you for participating this year in this endeavor.  Please call or email with any questions or to purchase tickets.    Matthew Curtis

Friday, August 19, 2011

Walk Daily

Walk daily with God-In the days ahead many will be stirred by proclamations, both true and false, of ominous events set for fulfillment on specific dates. 

However, we are not being prepared for a “date” but for marriage. 
It is the depth of our day-by-day relationship with Christ that defines our walk with God at the end of the age.
The confidence we have as we face tomorrow is rooted in the quality of our walk with God today.

If we study the Scriptures, we will see that, from the beginning, the Lord always provided for those who walked with Him in His presence. No matter what occurred in the world, God’s servants were not held hostage to the fears and anxieties of their times. Their walk with God prepared them for all things.

What does it mean to walk with God? It means that we stay yielded to His Word and attentive to His presence. Though we do not see Him, we know Him. We have found our place of security in the Almighty. Our peace comes from Him, not people, places or things.

Celebrate God’s goodness in your past and believe for His goodness in the present and dare to believe His goodness for your future.

Our identity in Christ guides every decision we make and every action we take.

Allow the Holy Spirit take you on an adventure and intimacy that you never dreamed possible.

Excerpt from Francis Frangipane prophetic word on

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today I want to glorify your name.  I belong to you. Lord before I begin I want you to know that from this moment on throughout this day, I’m yours, Lord. Without you I can accomplish nothing. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me! 
Help me be a woman of passion and to have the courage to act on those passions. Enable me in my walk to have the discernment to walk in obedience. Guard my tongue from saying the wrong thing or saying too much or speaking too quickly, and to know when to take a stand. Turn the soil of my heart so I can begin to live the life you have called me to live.
Lord, fill me with your spirit. Take my eyes, take my tongue, take my emotions, take my will, and use me, Be honored in my submissive spirit. You began the work in my heart and you will complete it.
 Be seen and heard in my heart. Be observed in my thankfulness. Be glorified in the fellowship and worship that I have with others in your family and those who do not yet know you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Let Your Light Shine...

For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness"
He has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of
God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary
power may be from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Women Of Faith

I just received some good news…I have been selected as a blogger for the Women of Faith event for San Antonio in October 21-22, 2011.

I am so excited for this opportunity to attend this event and to write about it and have fun at the same time.

The Women of Faith is a faith-based women’s organization encouraging women of all ages & stages in life to grow in faith and spiritual maturity through a relationship with Jesus Christ and an understanding of God’s love and grace.

If you are ready to shake up your routine and find out what plans God has for you then this is event is for you. You can find more information at the  website.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trust In The Lord...

Those who trust in the Lord will have nothing to fear Come dance and rejoice with me.
Where there is a barrier I am turning into a bridge, those who trust in the Lord will not fear there will be food and provision.
Every obstacle I am turning into opportunity, those who trust in the Lord will not fear there will be safety in the house.
Where there is drought of spirit, those who trust in the Lord will not fear there will be the rain of my mercy.
When you stand up to your fear, you will see the enemy tremble.
When you kneel to pray, you will see the enemy panic.
When you speak the Truth of God in the authority of Christ, you will see the enemy scatter.
Those who trust in the Lord have nothing to fear Come dance and rejoice with me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God’s Hands

The hands of God that hold the heavens together hold me today.
I will lift my voice and sing because God’s strong hands hold me up.

The strong hands of God embrace me and I feel the grace that flows to me.

All is well because the protective hands of God cover me.

You remind me that you love me when your reassuring hands quiet me.

My defense is in the powerful hands of God and I will praise Him.

I am safe in God’s strong hands to conform me in the likeness of Jesus.

God’s strong hands are compassionate and I will sing of his great faithfulness.

In God’s hands I find my healing because He is life and gives me all I need.

I will find comfort and peace in God’s great hands for He has made a way for me.

In God’s hands I find blessings because my God is generous to me.

The hands of God that holds the heavens will never let me down.

Monday, July 4, 2011

I will not Fear

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

The nations rise and fall at the Kings bidding

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

Troubles and sufferings at every turn and my heart breaks

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

The world sets a table of opportunities to sway me

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

There are many whose talk is against me what can I say what can I do

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

Your Love endures forever, Love so Amazing so Divine

Demands my Soul, My life my All

Let your life be defined and known

As the one who is loved by the Messiah.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Enter into my Joy

Come laugh with me and rejoice
Are you wounded, fearful, with bad experiences
Don’t be fearful to dance again
Enter into my joy

Let your faith be stretched out again
Let me cover you again with my Love
The high places came down
To steal your laughter
Remember I laugh at your enemies

Come laugh with me and rejoice
Are you wounded, fearful, with bad experiences
Don’t be fearful to dance again
Enter into my joy

I’ll show you my mighty hand on your behalf
The enemy whom you see today
You shall see again no more
You are being delivered into the freedom of victory

Come laugh with me and rejoice
I give you the Kingdom
Don’t be fearful to dance again
Enter into my joy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Today I will rejoice in the day the Lord has made
A brand new day to start over…
I will begin today!

Today I will accomplish God’s purpose in my life
Because He has given me everything I need…
I will begin today!

Today I will succeed
Because nothing is impossible when God is in it…
I will begin today!

Today although I will face challenges
My life will be redeemed for my good and His glory…
I will begin today!

Today I am loved just as I am
By His grace I am called to become even more like Jesus…
I will begin today!

Today God is continuing the good work He began in me
And He will complete what He starts…
I will begin today!

Today I will carry out God’s plans because by His grace,
Nothing will keep me from overcoming and conquering…
I will rejoice in the Lord
I will begin today!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I had an opportunity to attend a retreat with CBC New Braunfels women’s ministry, I was invited by my very good friend Linda. I was telling her that I needed to get away and wasn’t sure where, when, how. This came up at a great time. It was at River Chase Park, a gated park that was connected to a subdivision by the Guadalupe River. The day was filled with fair skies and gentle breezes could not have been a more perfect day. Immediately fell in love with the place and was ready for some refreshing.

The theme of the retreat was from Isaiah 61:10 I delight greatly in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God for he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness … adorns me as a bride with jewels.

How wonderful the Lord cares about the details in my life and lavishes me abundantly with His grace. When I arrived I received a beautiful tote bag, pillow, snacks. We were to pick out a journal of our choice and pen. Later we were told that the team chose bible verses and placed them in the journal no two were alike. They were prayed over that the each woman would choose a journal that God provided.

How exciting, we were instructed to find a place to be still before God and to start with the bible verse given and listen for his prompting. My verse was Psalm 103:15 “as a man’s days are like grass that withers and wildflowers that bloom and die”  excuse me what kind of verse is that? This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. I thought …well… this is God’s word nevertheless I would research it when I got home. Then I got a gentle whisper that I couldn’t let go and felt I should just look up the references now. The bible I had was not the one with much commentary or dictionary, but there was some cross references. The first two said the exact same thing the third one 1Peter 1:23-26 had the same with an added sentence “but the Word of the Lord remains forever”. Wow! That was so powerful – the word of the Lord is forever, endures for all eternity. We were to share and the Lord is so amazing all day – this verse reminded me and the ladies that whatever the word the Lords speaks to you….that word can be trusted and to hold on, because His Word will remain forever.

Linda introduced me as a long time friend and said that as soon as I spoke she knew that the Lord wanted me to keep looking till I was satisfied that I knew what the Lord wanted me to know. It seems all day long and since that day the Lord has given me confirmation and elaborated on that simple word. I would have to admit that to keep learning I will have to keep in the Word and search diligently, consistently and to be available to hear when God whispers.

I pray you send out your light and your truth, let them guide me; lead me to the place where you live. Faith brings joy and God will not disappoint. Show me the wonders of your great love; your mighty arm protects those who run to you for safety from their enemies. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17:7-8

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Lay things (people, dreams, health, stuff, etc.) that concern you on the Altar.

When you do this you are giving the Lord the ability to resurrect.

Surrender… in surrendering IS the victory.

Jesus becomes your defender. When you surrender…

Jesus becomes your fighter. When you surrender…

Jesus becomes your healer. When you surrender…

Jesus will restore (inside out). When you surrender…

Jesus will clothe you with power and a sound mind. When you surrender…

Jesus will transform you to righteousness. When you surrender…

In your presence Lord I find mercy and grace.

In your presence Lord I will seek your face.

I will lay my life on your altar so you can alter my life.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Power of God's Love on The Cross

We have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless we live,
yet it is not us who lives, but it is Christ living in us. Galatians 2:20

In my struggles, I find Your peace,

In my bondage, I find Your release.

In my burdens, I find Your care.

In my loneliness, I find You there.

In my weakness I find You strong,

In my sadness I find Your song.

In my questions I find the answers in You,

In my old ways I find In You ... all things new.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Great is the LORD, and Greatly to be Praised. Psalm 48:1

God is great. God is not only great, but He is the only one who is great. God does not tell us that He is the greatest, because that would mean someone else was great and God was just greater. God has no competition to His greatness. He alone is great and that settles the matter of greatness.

God is great and He will always be great. No one will ever beat Him, outsmart Him, or outthink Him. No one will ever take away His crown, or dethrone Him. God’s greatness will never fade, it will never be weakened, or diminish.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7

Because God is great, it means that His love is great, and He loves us more than anyone could ever love us. He greatly loves us today, not because we are great, but because He is great. His great love, loved us when we were in sin, in darkness, and in spiritual death.

What does His great love mean to us? It means that we, who are not great, can pour out upon Him great praise, great worship, great thankfulness, great obedience, great trust, and great devotion.

Excerpt from devotional, Meet me in the Meadow, October 18, 2010 by Roy Lessin

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Romans 1:20

Look deep, deep into nature,

and then you will understand everything better.
~Albert Einstein~

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


When joyful and happy occasions abound it is time to Praise the Lord.

When demanding and complicated issues arise it is the time to seek the Lord.

When concerns occupy your mind it is time to ask the Lord.

In the choices you are considering it is time to follow the Lord.

In the soft, gentle moments that are sweet it is time to see the Lord.

When you feel friendless, abandoned it is time to know the Lord.

When you are listening it is time to hear the Lord.

In the times you are not confident and insecure it is time to believe the Lord.

When you are full of activity it is time to serve the Lord.

When you are waiting for an answer it is time to trust the Lord.

When you have been wounded and upset it is time to touch the Lord.

When your circumstances have been delightful it is time to adore the Lord.

For in all your moments, the Lord is there in goodness, in kindness and in love.

Acts 17:27, Psalm 22:26, Psalm 34:1, Deuteronomy 4:29, 1 Chronicles 16:10-11

Monday, March 28, 2011

I Remember

Sitting here looking at the meadow you painted many flowers for my pleasure. As I look to the river filled with awesome creatures that live there, the peace that surrounds me I wonder about the future. Deep inside a stirring, fear, hesitations, then I start to remember things you have whispered:

I remember the day you called my name and touched my heart. Lifted my head and took away the pain.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when your Word first came alive in my heart and lit up the eyes of my understanding.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when life was unfair and I cried out to you in rage, pain and suffering and you held me close and gave me comfort and peace.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when I was betrayed by those that I trusted I thought I would never recover yet one touch of your love, one word of knowledge, and just one healing vision set me free.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when the enemy of my soul stood before me and I stood firm and repeated your Word that I had in my heart for my victory. I knew then that I was becoming more like you just as you promised.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when I felt the overflowing water of your love saturating me and I knew then that I would be made whole.

You loved me then and you love me now.

I remember when I thought I was a failure and missed my calling. Yet I felt your mighty hand take mine and pick me up and set me upon the rock.

You loved me then and your love me for me is steadfast.

I remember my love for you and that you loved me first. I remember your thoughts of me outnumber the grains of sand.

You loved me then and you love me still and call me beloved.

Help me remember our history together and to be always aware that your love for me is everlasting.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Stand up and Praise the Lord

Stand up and praise the Lord God of Israel with a very loud voice.

You will see the enemies destroy themselves.

Rise up early – Let everything that has breath Praise The Lord…

Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all who call upon the name of the Lord, put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and you will succeed.

Appoint those who sing to the Lord and those who praise him go before the army and give thanks to the Lord, for His Lovingkindness is everlasting.

The sound of praise on our lips for the almighty God will go before us will stop the enemy in his tracks and the people of God will overcome. The battle is the Lords watch and see the works of the Lord in your midst.

Taken from 2 Chronicles 20:19-21

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When you fall down...

I was listening to someone who was relating a message from a friend: her friend was down; her life was going nowhere and didn’t know what to do. She was told to meditate on her father’s works (her father was successful in his career) and to remember whose daughter she was.

Just like us, when we are down and do not know what to do, we need to mediate on our Father’s work. We can start with the mountains, streams, flowers, sun, moon and stars, the Word, many things big and small. We need to remember who we belong to. As a woman of God, my strengths, creativity and power comes from the Almighty God who is my Father.

You will not know Who you are until you know WHOSE you are!!!

 I am my Father’s Daughter
I can move mountains
 I am sister to the Anointed One
I can heal the sick

 I am a daughter of the King
I can seize opportunities
 I belong to Jesus
I can walk in Victory

 I was bought with a costly price
I can comfort those that mourn

 I drink from the Fountain
I can rest in green pastures
 I am a child of God
I can raise the dead
I belong to Jesus
I can step on serpents

 I am my Father’s Daughter
I can walk on water

 the Holy Spirit guides me
I can walk in Forgiveness
I drink from the Fountain
I can sing in prison

 I am a daughter of the King
I can seek Justice
the Holy Spirit resides in me
I can walk in Love

 I am a child of the Promise
I have all I need
 I am redeemed by the Blood of the lamb
Forever His Child I Am

When we discovered who we are in Christ we can believe the gracious, generous loving-kindness of God and can see the open arms of our Father just waiting to give us a hug.