Sunday, October 23, 2011

Women of Faith Saturday

Just when you didn’t think it could get any better it did. Patsy Clairmont has become my new favorite speaker to listen for inspiration. Here is a short run-down of what I heard on Saturday:

Lisa Wenchel: on adult friendships – we are all longing to connect and having friends help along your journey, to have friends you need to be a friend. Accept God’s grace to be able to give grace to others. Embrace your friends with grace.

Brenda Warner: As your legacy raise your children to be willing to change the world.

Sandi Patti: God may not answer your dreams in the “way” or in the “time” we think.  But God is Faithful to fulfill your dreams in His Way and in His Time. “God is enough and you are enough for Him” She sang so beautifully as always.

Marilyn Meeberg: What you enjoy here on earth – just know that it will be much more when you get to heaven.

Patsy Clairmont: Never give up trusting God and sometimes “change” can be good– she told of how her son was so sick and could have died and the struggle to let the Doctor make changes for his care. Told humorously that is unique to Patsy Clairmont.

Mandissa: Amy Grant was great and Sandi Patti was marvelous, Mandissa was exciting and her music was fast and great worship as well.

A great weekend was had by all and everyone around me felt the same way. It seemed all was touched in some way by each speaker that spoke to them.

World Vision: there were some very moving stories of how your sponsorship makes a difference in the lives of children and their families and communities and in the lives of those sponsoring. If God has nudged you to be a blessing, please check out the many children that you could help by going to

All I can say is be ready for next year!

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