Monday, April 6, 2015

Because He Lives I live

Good Morning,
     I hope you had a gloriously weekend. Today’s entry was already planned and written, but Easter morning, the Lord had other plans.

     It is Easter morning, sunrise. I was awaken by the sound of church bells ringing for about 5 minutes or so,  then silence, and ringing again for a time sounding further away. My heart was singing Jesus Christ is risen today! Hallelujah!

      How wonderful to wake up knowing my Redeemer lives. He is speaking, listen closely, carefully…What is He saying to you this Easter morning?

Rejoice O Daughter your King is coming soon. Be prepared, focus on the Truth of the Word and I will tell you of great and mighty things to come. My Word is true and my promise is a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I have loved you with an everlasting love, come to Me, let us partner together for I know the plans I have for you, a plan to prosper you, a plan for your good and not your harm. Stay close to My heart I want to fill your heart with love to share with others.
      Sometimes when I hear the bells I sense angels singing and it can be mesmerizing, the words sounded like: “O People praise the LORD! Hallelujah! The LORD is Risen! He is Alive and He Reigns, for our LORD is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are saved. Proclaim it to the nations, whom you serve, is the living and true LORD of Hosts, the mighty One who loves His people.”

We believe in a risen LORD, because He lives, we live – not just on Easter, but every day we have left to live. He is not the great I was, but the Great I AM! Hallelujah!
          On this sweet morning flowers bloom and tell us life goes on.
          Poets recite for me your words of eternal life.
          Singers sing songs of joy, singing my favorite resurrection songs.
          Painters paint the picture of the resurrection for all to see.
          Dancers dance to the beat of your heart for you wear the victors crown       and cannot be defeated.
Trees, flowers, birds, the seas and skies, and the wind whisper it, resound it out, sing it everywhere, let the air be filled with the Promise and be  told over and over again. The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of Christ and He shall reign forever and ever!!!
Psalm 98:4, 1Chronicles 16:31, Psalm 97:1, Psalm 150:6, Psalm 19:1, Hebrews 6:19

Now go out this week with the Risen King living inside of you…

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