God Whispers:
Your life is a song I am writing, words of poetry fitting together, rhyming, and building to a crescendo of praise.
I delight to sing a melody made just for you. Can you hear it? It changes as you change; soft and lovely when you are contemplating my wonders; low, comforting when you face sorrows. The music at times can be loud, triumphant when you overcome; melodic when you serve in obedience and faith. Remember I am present and fill your space when you praise me.
Open your eyes and see the wonders I would show you.
Open your ears and I will whisper your name.
Be ready to follow when I lead and be ready to stop when I call you to service.
Keep your focus on me. I treasure and delight in you.
Please know, precious are my thoughts of you, they are innumerable! You could not count them; they outnumber the grains of sand. (There are approx 10,000 grains of sand in 1/8 tsp) Meditate on that my child.
I will proclaim and declare that God is Good! He brings joy to all the earth. There is none like my God.
You are awesome, your mighty deeds are known in the world. My life is in your hands. You keep me from stumbling. You have captured my heart and my life will never be the same. God heard my cry and my sins I have repented.
All I am is because of you and I give back to you all I am.
Praise God who did not ignore my prayer and did not withdraw his unfailing love from me.
You are my Hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
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