Sunday, May 2, 2010

In the Beginning

In the beginning God … Spoke the worlds into being…the world was not made out of things you can see….you can’t see spoken words. The words that God spoke out of his mouth framed this universe and set it in motion.

With God nothing is impossible…God never did anything that he didn’t say first….

God created man with the Ability to operate in the same kind of faith. Control those words that come out of your mouth and bring them into obedience to the word of God.

I have always loved words…..growing up I read the dictionary and the encyclopedia. I admire people who can spin words and tell a story or communicate important things ….

After a friend read some of my poems she encouraged me to say I was a writer…. after I started to tell people…hesitantly….yes I write poetry…relief …no one laughed…it seemed like every time I turned around everyone and their grandmother came to tell me they wrote too…and were excited they found someone else that wrote….although I was glad to find these people excited about writing.

I was wondering about something …and went to the Lord….”If all these people are writing…do you still want me to write?”

He answered, “Just be obedient to what I have for you and do not worry about what others are doing for me.”

OK….I began writing again, filling up more journals, and coming up with a collection of poems and stories. Doubt again came to me …who will hear/read these…will my words be effective? I went back to the Lord with questions….

How can you use my words to stir the heart?

Will my words be amusing?

I AM Laughter…

What if my words are sad?

I AM Comfort…

Will my words be strong?

I AM Power…

Will they be delightful?

I AM Wonder…

Can my words be righteous?

I AM Justice…

Will my words be grand?

I AM Higher than the Heavens…

Will my words be intellectual?

I AM Wisdom…

Will my words be colorful?

I AM Beauty…

Dare I be so bold to try and be heard?

I only want to be a voice for your words…

The heart is stirred by a Nobel theme

By the pen of a ready writer…

My prayer is that as we discover our gifts and learn to use them, that we will honor the lord in all our words and deeds.

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