Monday, September 30, 2013

They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! Lamentations 3:22-24

Saturday night, first night in new apt –    I was very blessed to have help in moving and cleaning – there was no way I could have done it myself. As I was closing my eyes to sleep I saw hands lots of open hands in darkness reaching straight up, there was a light, a small light at the edges of the scene I was seeing it was shining softly at first then became brighter. I was wondering but too tired to ask Jesus what it was all about. I awoke late on Sunday and watched the service online and when we came to the part of the service where Randy asked the men who came for prayer to raise their hands. On the screen only the hands were showing and as the light shone… the darkness left. (Reminded me what I saw before going to sleep)  The song they sang was so appropriate – I don’t have the lyrics – part of it went like “the darkness is pushed back by the light” “the enemy is defeated” something like that J at least that is what          I remembered.  I need to get the words to that song. How wonderful that we can partner with Jesus to empower those in need with the Truth. John 6:35, Psalm 18:6

I will bless Yehovah at all times He is Good and always Faithful! He rescued me out of the hand of the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb! Hallelujah!

Father, Holy is your Name in all the earth. May your Kingdom come in my day today.      Praises, for the works you have done. 

Have a great week!

Monday, September 23, 2013

You Reign

During my packing and sorting getting ready to move I came across some journals and took some time to look at it. (one reason it is taking a long time to get packed) Found a few selections that I put aside to finish later. The dreamer looks into the journey into wisdom and discovers that Jesus Reigns.

The light of your glance awakens the joy in my soul.

Your Words inspire the song in me, for no one else satisfies.

The second the eyes of my heart saw the light. All day long You have been my delight.

Though I may slip and fall you call my name and dance with me

The angels with You sing all around, I can almost hear the joyous sound.

My soul longs to join the chorus and I can because of Jesus love for us.

Your love warms me when I am cold the breath of Your Spirit makes me bold.

You reign in the grandest of times and in my darkest hour. In the garden of my tears you bring me flowers.

In your presence, your sweet music is in my heart. To abide in You my day I will start.

The song will never die even by chance.  On the stars in heaven we will dance.

I am amazed that you love me, how can it be that you would die for me.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Last week was filled with challenges…. I read a quote from David Jeremiah, “Satan’s goal in spiritual warfare is not to hurt you. His goal is to hurt your perception of GOD.” I thought when did I go from trusting all in God to wondering if He is there? 

Scripture calls this enemy the devil Revelation 12:9, the father of lies John 8:44, the prince of the power of the air Ephesians 2:2a, satan, your adversary, the one who stands against you. He and his army are trying to prevent you from hearing possibly the greatest truth you need to hear today...

YOU are GREATLY loved by God.
The works of satan were defeated by the Cross of Christ so that we may have ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to us. Scripture reveals that Daniel was strengthened to hear the truth; "And he said, 'O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!' So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, 'Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me'" Daniel 10:19.

The Holy Spirit is here today strengthening us to hear God's truth. We may be in the midst of hardships on every side, but His grace is here to strengthen us to stand in the days ahead. God is for us and He loves us. May we hear this truth today.

Always remember... God cares for you!

The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him sincerely. Psalm 145:18
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me. Psalm 16:7

Have a great week strengthening those that need to hear.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Will Not Fear

I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

The nations rise and fall at the Kings bidding
I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

Troubles and sufferings at every turn and my heart breaks
I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

The world sets a table of opportunities to sway me
I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

There are many whose talk is against me what can I say what can I do
I will not fear because I am one who is loved by the Messiah

Your Love endures forever, Love so Amazing so Divine
 Let your life be defined and known
As the one who is loved by the Messiah.

 We should linger in prayer and wait on God to see what blessings may come.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Step Out

“When we step out boldly and confidently enthusiasm usually shows up, and when enthusiasm is at the party, fear doesn’t have room to dance. (Author unknown)