His Word says I am loved;
I am a child of God. I am blessed and God sings over me. God calls me ‘his very
own’. God knows me before I was born. He
formed me delicately in my mother’s womb, not thrown together haphazardly but
purposeful, intentional. How amazing this Love, that it should cover me. God says:
Remember my Grace covers you with My favor in the
gifts I have given you. Share that glory
with those you meet as my representative to the world. Remember my fence of protection is around you, how many times I put food on your table,
show up when the bills are due, when pain in your body that healing came to you
and you are lost in sorrow I bring you joy, just so you would know how much I
love you.
that I have my hand outstretched towards you; take my hand so I can lift you up
to a place of safety. I have not forgotten one thing I have planned for you. I
am aware of the path you are on. I take pleasure when you trust in me, when you
choose me and walk with me on this journey. I am your peace in the storm and
nothing is impossible for me.
not fear I have plans for your future, marvelous plans. The devil would like
you to focus on your condition instead of your position. Once you realize your
identity and position in Christ the Spirit will empower you to change your
condition and circumstances. Which means when you pray against any lack, supply
will come in. When you pray against sickness, healing will come. Ask and it
will be given, knock and it shall be open, seek and you will find.
I have placed you where you are with
intention with specific gifts to serve others, to testify of my goodness, to
encourage others, to love people into the kingdom. My mercies are new every
morning. Now walk in that revelation.