Saturday, December 15, 2012


Definition of intersection: where two or more roads (ways) meet.
Definition of Intercessor:
When we couldn’t reach God – God reached to us through Christ Jesus – Jesus built a bridge for us.
This is what we do when we pray – is to be an intersection between heaven and earth, we pray to bring heaven to earth. The Holy Spirit intervenes on our behalf and Jesus is ever interceding for and with us. Our prayers do make a difference!Hallelujah!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Invitation

This wonderful story was told to me by my dear friend Laura. This true tale is as old as time and unique to each of us, come and visit with me and watch as the story unfolds.

          Recently married in 1986 Laura and her husband lived in Dublin Ireland. One of Laura’s new Spanish friends was invited to a banquet with the King of Spain, Juan Carlos De Bourbon. Together they went to the embassy for the needed security clearance. With passport in hand, Laura knew that she would be invited too, “after all Mexico and Spain are so close that certainly they could not have a banquet without me?” Laura would soon learn how wrong her assumption was.

         Laura and her friend arrived at the office where fingerprints were being taken. Laura explained that she was Mexican and wanted to see the King. The lady at the desk was not impressed and told Laura to get out of the office.  Not only was she told to leave the office, she was told to wait outside on the steps leading to the gardens.  Laura was heartbroken, turning to leave she thought to herself “How could this be, don’t you see, it is me?” lonely and rejected out the door she went.

         Laura took the dismissal and felt the full wave of feelings of past rejection. Through her tears she saw at a distance a man walking towards her and stopped right in front on the steps where she sat.  He smiled at her and she smiled back. He said good morning and she politely answered back. He started a conversation and she noticed his kind smile and as he spoke, she felt better.  He asked, “Are you here to give your information for the security clearance?” Before she knew it she poured out all that had happened and her desire to see the King. “Now the only way I will get a chance to see the King is if I had the power to become very small to fit inside your shirt pocket,” Laura had said. He smiled and extended his arm to her, “get up, come my child follow me!”

        He opened the door to let her in and they proceeded down the hall. In unison she heard every single person working saying,”Good morning Mr. Ambassador." What a surprise, Laura’s new friend is the Ambassador of Spain to Ireland!

         The Ambassador led Laura into the office where she was kicked out and told the clerk: “Laura is my very special friend; she is coming to the banquet representing her nation. I need the Embassy's carrier to deliver to her address along with the invitation and protocol. I need her security clearance and her name tagged as special guest so that I am notified of her arrival to the banquet. I personally will introduce her to the King.” Silence and grace fell in that office!

          When Laura arrived home, she found the enveloped sealed with her name as promised. Laura was so excited she was going to the banquet and had the invitation to prove it! At once Laura began to practice her bows to anyone who couldn’t get away. She rehearsed the list of tips of what to do and the don'ts while in the presence of the King.

          The day came and sweet Cinderella was on her way to meet the King. Dressed in a grand gown filled with excitement, Cinderella was ready.  Laura arrived at the security door for scanning. A member of the Marine Forces of Spain took Laura to the Ambassador. Laura’s new sweet friend smiled at her and motioned to get closer. With great reverence, Laura was introduced to the King. Laura ate, danced, and laughed all in the presence of the King. All the while, Laura’s new friend the Ambassador was there smiling and enjoying her happiness.  This was definitely Laura’s day and she took it all in with great joy and gratitude in her heart.

        Laura says God allowed her to have this experience because many years later in a place of great brokenness in her life she met The Ambassador, not from Spain, but from heaven. A sweet friend, sent by God, told her “Heaven is not impressed with our credentials the same way people of this world are easily impressed. We find ourselves outside, outcast and broken and it is here where the Ambassador comes – the Messiah who is the Ambassador of all. Right there in the place of brokenness, He smiles at us, talks to us and extends his hand...come my child follow me.”

         After hearing this story I am reminded that The Messiah, Jesus, is the one who invites us to the banquet of the King. Through Him alone do we become part of this heavenly celebration! He invites us to be part of this banquet and introduces us to the King who is His Father and ours if we accept His invitation. He marks us as His, and He usher us into the presence of the King.

          Are you part of the banquet with the King? If not, ask the Ambassador, Jesus who is waiting to extend His arm to you. Ask Him to put you inside His pocket and take you home!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am riding on the clouds across the heavens and all that you thought was impossible, will be possible. Only believe and speak out the promises, out loud that are in My word. O lover of my soul let the springs of water wash over you, Come... I am calling my love to capture your heart.

As you walk with Me you will feel a wind, smell the sweet fragrance of my love and hear a sound of a mighty wind that will destroy all that has come against you to hinder you from MY purposes. I’ll fill your mouth with laughter to the song of all songs. Now Let us Dance for joy, O lover of my soul Are You Ready! I’ve come to capture your heart.

Remember I AM Mighty there is nothing too hard for Me. What I want to do will be done through you. Lay down all doubt, and unbelief in My love for you. If you believe, put all your trust in ME, you will soar in the days ahead for I have come to capture your heart and tell you great and mighty things.

Trust that I am hearing your prayers, I will do all I’ve promised. Remember who you are, you have been bought with a costly price. You have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb out of the hand of the enemy, and seated in heavenly places.  You will see My rewards for your faithfulness.  I am sending a wind that will blow away all the garbage, and My Beloved will blossom like the desert rose and bring a sweet, sweet aroma to all those who you encounter. Linger in My presence as I call you close.  Feel the breeze and smell the wonderful perfumes I am pouring out on you. Never to be the same, for all eternity, I’ve touched your heart, the time is now come Dance with Me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Delight in Me and remember what I am like and what I have done for you. I have given all to you promised by the Cross at Calvary.

Delight in Me and I will soften your heart. Trust in me again, trust in my word again. Look past the circumstances to know that my promises are true.

Delight in Me and see me work to bring forth what is already yours, look again to that promise you stopped trusting and believing for.

Delight is the key to that promise coming to pass. It is the weapon to fight for the promise that is yours.

 Delighting in Me is its very own reward and how marvelous that I will bring forth every other reward you have as an inheritance.

Delight in Me and come dance with me, your well-being and success is in my hands, I delight in you.

Delight in Me my Beloved, come and be safe in the shadow of my wings, safe to sing my song, safe to love. Come and taste and see that I long to bring good to you.

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.   Psalm 37:3-5

Sylvia Villalpando





Monday, October 8, 2012

The LORD is Calling, Will you Answer?

I’m calling…do you hear?

You believe that no one notices, that you are unrecognized, but know this, I see you, your good works, your love, and tender mercies in my name. I know that you want nothing to do with the lies of the enemy. You have tasted my goodness and its fragrant sustenance has satisfied and motivates you to your eternal home.

I’m calling…do you hear?      

I know that my beloved will not be bought or sold with position or money. You are not ashamed and give honor and glory to your King.

I’m calling…do you hear?

Remember you have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy. Keep your focus on me and be committed to my Word. You may have been sidetracked but, My Spirit helped you remember your true path.

I’m calling…do you hear?

My beloved you know me and are not swayed nor will you settle for the worlds table that does not satisfy..

 I’m calling…do you hear?

Will you keep your eyes on me and walk with me? Don’t give up I have not brought you this far to let go of you now. Decide to follow me and not look back.

The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:6
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

In all these things [I am] more than a [conqueror] through him who loved [me] Romans 8:37
Dear Lord, I want to have a confident heart in Christ. Help me recognize your voice when you call, remind me to trust you and your provision. To trust you are watching and protecting me. You have promised. I will remember that all things are possible when I believe In Jesus' Name, Amen. Hallelujah!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth. Job 19:25
My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. Psalm 71:8

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Know the Hope of Your Calling

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18

Help me, Yehovah, to realize what I have in You right now…

Friday, August 17, 2012


Love came down and set me free. Only Yehovah is able to take all my broken pieces and create beauty and purpose for me. He designed a garment of praise just for me. A one of a kind life, to dance and sing in Worship before the King, created by the Master Tailor Himself! Hallelujah!



Friday, August 3, 2012


I was doing some employment research and came across this great story on the website it says “Methodist Mission Home was founded in 1895 in the wake of a dramatic and spontaneous conversion experience by Madam M. L. Volino who ran a brothel on San Saba Street. Inspired by a street revivalist, Madam Volino returned to her house in the red light district vowing to begin a new life. Through financial and emotional support of the Methodist community and Travis Park Methodist Church, Volino converted the brothel into a rescue home for "fallen women." By the early 1900's, most of the women who arrived were pregnant and unwed and the Rescue Home became known primarily as a maternity center.”

More than a century later the Methodist Mission Home continues to serve hundreds of people each year. Adoption services, domestic, international and older-child adoption programs and SCHI offers community-based and residential programs for adults who are deaf/hard of hearing or have other disabilities.

I have lived here most of my life and have never heard of this story. To me it shows that the Lord’s mighty hand is at work from the beginning, this city has a heritage of God’s word being proclaimed. This should give us encouragement and be about our Father’s business.  God is in the people business, we should be too.  How exciting it could be if we who have so much would just direct our efforts to those who need the saving Grace of Jesus.

This reminds me of Luke 7:47HCS                                         
Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.”

Maybe we need to remember how much we have been forgiven….