I was reading a blog post by Lance Wallnau regarding
being an ambassador and this is what I got from it:
you know the meaning of Ambassador and what an ambassador does?
Ambassador meaning=
1. An official envoy; especially: a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a
foreign government or sovereign as the
resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary
diplomatic assignment.
2. An authorized representative or messenger
Where was Jesus’ embassy? His
embassy was the place that he occupied. Wherever he was that was his embassy. We
also have an assigned territory with a “measure of rule”. We have the authority
to shift the environment over whatever comes into our embassy compound.
As a believer we are an ambassador
of Christ. Every ambassador has an embassy. (You are the embassy where the Holy
Spirit resides) An embassy is where the territory of the foreign government has
taken up residence. There are soldiers guarding those embassies. We have
invisible soldiers called angels that guard our embassy and travel with us.
when people come into contact
with you they are entering a kingdom zone. They are stepping over into the area
where you influence. The spiritual traffic that is working in them has to bow
to your kingdom influence and peace zone.
Everywhere Jesus went he was
walking like the ambassador of the kingdom. The embassy is the territory that
surrounds the ambassador. As an ambassador of the kingdom, where you are
assigned, becomes an embassy for the kingdom of heaven. In other words it is
officially off limits to the devil because the embassy (you), the temple of the
Holy Spirit) is heavens property.
For full info go to Lance Wallnau's blog
Corinthians 5:20, Deuteronomy 11:24
Now go out this week and reclaim
the territory for the kingdom!
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